Weekly Agenda: March 2 - March 6, 2020

3/2: Monday: Quarter 3 test review; grammar review for Case 21
3/3: Tuesday: Grammar gimkit for extra points for grade of choice
3/4: Wednesday: Writer's Workshop for Q3 test 1essay rewrite
*3/5: Thursday: Case 21 Benchmark 3
**3/6: Friday: Case 21 Benchmark 3/ essay rewrite (if needed)
*3/9: Monday: Writer's Workshop
3/10: Tuesday: Library
*3/11: Wednesday: Writer's workshop ESSAYS DUE 
3/12: Thursday: ELA review
3/13: Friday: ELA review
**There is a folder in Schoology for Case 21 practice. Please feel free to use this resource to practice if inclined. 
*students will be able to begin reworking their essays after completing the Case 21 Benchmark. The rewritten essay for updated grade is due by END OF CLASS March 11 by the end of the class period.